Can not make validateRequirements link from Jazz QM to artifact in custom OSLC Adapter
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<oslc_qm:TestScript rdf:about="http://localhost:8082/adaptor-testing/services/testScripts/2076">
<dcterms:description>A sample TestScript with id:2076</dcterms:description>
<oslc_qm:validatesRequirement rdf:resource="http://localhost:8083/adaptor-rm/services/requirements/3"/>
<oslc_qm:validatesRequirement rdf:resource="http://localhost:8083/adaptor-rm/services/requirements/18"/>
<dcterms:title>A sample TestScript with id:2076</dcterms:title>
Accepted answer
When creating links between Requirements and TestCases with ELM products, while it appears you can create the Requirement validatedBy TestCase link from DNG, DNG doesn't actually own or create the link. Rather it does a GET on the TestCase, adds the link there and then does a PUT to ETM. So if you're creating links programmatically, you'd create the link from the QM provider to DNG (i.e., TestCase validatesRequirement Requirement), not the other way around.
As well as Jim's excellent reply, you should also look at It shows that links between a test case and a requirement are owned by, and persisted on, the test case in ETM.
I would also encourage you or colleagues to participate in the OSLC Open Projects working group. We have been discussing the idea of OSLC profiles starting with a Linking Profile to support use cases like this. Sadly, industry participation in OSLC meetings has been weak over the last few years.
Hi David,
Sorry, what do you mean under "participate in the OSLC Open Projects working group"? Can you provide a link for taking a look please?
Thank you very much in advance!