How to load files using Eclipse which are placed directly under a Component
I'm attempting to load files directly under specific components in EWM/RTC Eclipse. While I can successfully load the folder structure, but the individual files directly under the component are not being loaded.
I've tried various options:
- Find and Load Eclipse Project: This doesn't seem to include the desired files.
- Load the Root Folder of the Component as Project: This loads the folders but not the files.
- Browse the Component and Select the Folder to be Loaded: Similar to the previous option, only folders are loaded.
- From Advanced option Load the Components Files into Sandbox Subfolder: Same as the above only loads Folders
As illustrated in the attached screenshots, EWM/RTC Eclipse appears limited to loading the folder structure and not the individual files under the components in Local Sandbox..
How to load the files under the component.
Screenshot of Package Explorer and EWM Web explorer attached
Bharath Vamsi