How can I define a work item template that allows to set other custom attribute values?
When creating a work item template that allows me to create work items, I would like to be able to allow the creator to change the values of some of the attributes.
During the wizard for creating the template I can only select "Planned For" and "Filed Against" as variables that should be set individually for each template instantiation.
How can I add attributes such as the
Project Scope
- Proposed for
- Business Unit
- Acquisition Category
Thank you and best regards,
Meghana H
Accepted answer
Thanks for the update Ralph and you're correct.
- IBM provided a solution that currently work item template page can accept planned for, found in and other string attributes only i.e., option to accept "string" input from end user. It was informed that we cannot add "variables" into the work item template as on date. Hence, custom attributes like Project Scope and Proposed For etc., cannot be added currently
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Dec 14 '23, 9:57 a.m.Sorry for banning the other posts, but the ad links they had were pretty telling they were spammers.
I am not sure if this got ever implemented. I think there is no way to get an attribute selection for a custom attribute in the UI.
See this conversation:
You can add your custom and other attributes and generate a default value, but I don't think you get a selection.