How can I create via API in DNG a delivery session?
Accepted answer
This is the API landing page for all applications:
8 other answers
Dear Ralph,
Hi Antje,
Dependent on your environment, please also see
Dear Ralph,
I can now create and deliver a new delivery session. This works, if the original change set is on the stream created, on which it has to be delivered. My request looks like this:
I think I have got one more information: I can create a new delivery session on a different stream (use for the target the streamUri of the different stream). But only if the change set was not delivered before on the origin stream. But on the UI I can deliver the change set more than one time and to different streams.
You can look here:
private String title;
You pass the target configuration when you create the change set:
POST https://nowhere.nix/
See how to get the code.
The task tracker API is documented with the DNG server APIs
I changed my request like (see answer). But it is always the same: I got nothing back: no tast tracker, no changeSetURI. The Answer is 200 OK, but not 201 Created. See my request in the your answer
I can not remote debug your API calls. Consider using Firefox RESTClient extension to test your calls. Please note that the Task Tracker is sent in the LOCATION header. You will not get back a response body.
This is how to get the task tracker URI: case 202:
return trackerURI;
Status code in my case was 202. You comment above fails to provide anything useful e.g. what you got back with the 200. It could be an HTML page that tells you you are not logged in or something.
see new question for creating change sets: How can I create in DNG via API a new change set? - Jazz Forum