extending EWM with Custom Widget interacting with Custom Server Extension
Hi all,
I want to extend EWM with a custom Widget which should interact with custom server extension. The custom server extension should implement some kind of workflow process (running in a separate thread) manipulating some workitems of different types, and this process should be started by pressing a button in the custom widget an showing the results in a workitem list in this custom widget.
Is this possible using jazz server sdk?
All this is currently implemented with an external Java GUI client interacting via OSLC with the Jazz server. New requirement is doing all this stuff inside Jazz with a custom widget and custom server extension.
BG Wolfgang
Accepted answer
It is possible to expose a custom service, as far as I know using the extension point com.ibm.team.repository.service.serviceProvider .
I do not know if the material in the developer wiki still works for external users. Here the links I found searching for the extension point:
Is there some tutorial or architecture doc available about concepts for doing mulithreading in an AbstractService extension to avoid blocking the whole Jazz server (e.g. implementing some workflow process)?
I do not know. You would have to search the SDK. The code uses runnables and there is also a job concept. It is also possible to elevate permission to administrative level.
when running the custom widget in context of the logged in user, and widget calls a method in the custom AbstractService via exposed interface, in which permission context will the server method run?
AFAIK in the context of the logged in user, obviously. Everything would be a security issue.
The Services can elevate the permissions when run internally.