Code Review supporting languages

Accepted answer

As far as I am aware, the supported languages usually do not change, You can find the supported languages in the system requirements. You can find the system requirements on the Getting Started Tab. Open the System requirements and search for Languages on that page.

Thanks for responding...I'm sorry, I meant programming languages. When I first started looking at Code Review in 6.x, on it's initial release, it supported a handful of languages:
And they mentioned future support for additional languages in the upcoming releases. Is there a link for that? I'm sorry if I'm not seeing it in the documentation or notes....

That I don't know. Good question.

Code review supports almost all text base files (like .java, .js, .css etc) except binary files. But there should be content-type set for every file to display it automatically or user need to click on button to show difference.
The implementation uses the list of languages is too long for here, recently there were changes, but I do not know the specifics.