ALM automation

2 answers

I show some Python code in some blog posts. Here is code to create a work item:

I show some Python code in some blog posts. Here is code to create a work item:

But i need some detailed code from scratch because this is the first time i am working with automation and rest APIs. So i need the source code from start like from authentication,etc

how we work on ALM is we will have some ALM query and after running that query we will get an excel which contains some information about the tasks or work item. we should modify that downloaded excel by adding some extra column that are need to create the work item and re upload the modified the excel to ALM to create the work item. Before the above process has been done manually. Now it is automated using python. As a second step i need some inputs on rest API to automate the above defined thing in ALM

Sorry, I do not have the time to make the code open source. There are other projects out there. Maybe have a look at

Other tooling based on the Java APIS can be found here: