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Global Configuration : parameters for "/gc/gc.webui.findUse" REST request

With ELM, we use the following REST request to find where a RM local configuration is used in a global configuration :
But in ELM 7.0.2, this request return a 409 HTTP code with the message :
{"summary":"Missing the required web parameter \"personalStreamScope\".","type":"ERROR"}
We search a detailed documentation on GC REST API, to update our code.
2 answers

Looks like you're using an internal API - that's unsupported.
gc has documented API information on your https://SERVER:PORT/gc/doc/scenarios
You can get contribution information using this API https://SERVER:PORT/gc/doc/scenario?id=GetFlatListOfContributionsForGcHiearchy

Thank you, Ian.
But when you display the link content https://elm702/gc/doc/serviceInterface?serviceInterfaceUrl=com.ibm.team.gc.web.frontservice.search.IFindUseService
The page is ... empty ...

https://SERVER:PORT/gc/doc/scenarios is for the documentation. Don't know where "serviceInterface,..." comes from in your URL.
For that API to get contributions, as per that documentation page you'll use:
To get a flat list of contributions for a GC hierachy, perform a GET on
specifying the following parameters:
i.e. assuming /gc is the context root for GCM then https://SERVER:PORT/gc/gcsdk-api/flatListOfContributionsForGcHierarchy
(plus parameters)

com.ibm.team.gc.web.frontservice is a package for private undocumented services that are unsupported for 3rd party use. Please do not use them.

As Ian rightly said, the REST APIs under /gc/gc.webui are private internal APIs that are undocumented and unsupported for 3rd party use. They are subject to change without notice, and implementations calling them are likely to be fragile. Please do not use them.
GC has a rich set of public REST APIs.You can find information about public APIs at https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/CLMProductAPILanding. This has links to application specific APIs including GCM and the GC SDK.