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How do i load the current module and then iterate through objects to get its name (DOORS DXL)

Arjuna Pandu (113) | asked Jul 17 '23, 9:55 a.m.
edited Jul 17 '23, 10:02 a.m.

i'm trying to fetch the content of all the artifacts in a module (current stream), i want to do it using the path of the module.

Im using below statements to read a module.
string modFullName = "\\Training\\myFolder\\test"
Module m = read(modFullName,true);
Module m = edit(modFullName, true);

above statement wont help me in looping through objects of m.

If i have a baseline
Baseline base = baseline(majVersion,minVersion,suff)
Module m = load(base,true)
then for loop works fine.

how do i load the current version of the module using a path?


2 answers

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haseeb alam (91) | answered Jul 17 '23, 3:34 p.m.
Hi Arjuna,

You can use the object function along with the null keyword to access the module object.
string modFullName = "\\Training\\myFolder\\test"
Object modObj = null

// Find the module object using its full name
if (null(object(modFullName))) {
    print "Failed to find the module: " modFullName
} else {
    modObj = object(modFullName)
    Module m = module(modObj)

    Object obj
    for obj in entire m do {
        // Access the name of each object
        string objName = obj."Object Text"
        print "Object Name: " objName

To explain:
 object(modFullName) is used to find the module object with the given full name. 
If the module object is found, you can create a Module instance using module(modObj)
Then, you can iterate through the objects in the module using a for loop and access the name of each object using obj.Object Text.

I hope it helps you

Arjuna Pandu commented Jul 18 '23, 6:36 a.m.
I'm getting below error
-E- DXL: <Line:2> incorrect arguments for function (object)
-E- DXL: <Line:2> incorrectly concatenated tokens
-I- DXL: All done. Errors reported: 2. Warnings reported: 0.

I'm trying for the module which is present in the below location.
string modFullName = "\\Training\\test\\template"
Object modObj = object(modFullName)

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haseeb alam (91) | answered Jul 20 '23, 10:00 a.m.
try this
string modFullName = "\\Training\\test\\template"
Module m = read(modFullName, true)

if (null m) {
    print "Failed to read the module: " modFullName
} else {
    Object obj
    for obj in entire m do {
        // Access the name of each object
        string objName = obj."Object Text"
        print "Object Name: " objName

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