[closed] My errata list of DOORS DXL v9.7.2
DXL V9.7.2 reference Manual Errata
1. Attributes not documented
a. alternativeWord (page 882, but need example to help with the operation description) .
On page 883 it is used as a type in the function call "getword". Typically builtin types start with a capitol letter unless it is a base type. i.e. AlternativeWord. So this type doesn't conform to standard DXL builtin type naming conventions.
Moreover, on page 882 (example 2) capitalizes first char as " AlternativeWord altWord" and calls the function above, thus is contradicting throughout manual.
b. void. This is used in examples but described as a base type since first letter not cap.
c. installedCodepages, supportedCodepages, installedLocales, supportedLocales used in for loops. Not sure if builtinattribute, or function call.
d. ldapGroupList, LdapItem, ldapUserList, used in for loops. Not sure if builtin attribute, or function call.
e. RifDefinition…. Note: Ch8 states RifDefinition property 'definition' under RifImport, but Ch28 doesn't list it.
f. property .canWrite (chapter 21, page 441,455), the descriptions for property says delete, but the property name 'canWrite' specifies write and not delete.
2. Identifiers not clearly documented.
a. case const default enum struct switch union (on page 11 Identifiers states, "The following keywords are not currently supported in user programs, but are reserved for future use". This is confusing since they are in the list of keywords. Some example programs use some of them but not all of them like enum, union, case, switch etc. thus, one needs a more specific set of what works and doesn't work and labeled accordingly to follow this info on page 11,
b. reserved (in some examples, but not explained in manual) thus add to the list and explain when it can/cannot be used.
c. elseif is also valid vs. just "else if". Both are equivalent. Thus add elseif to list.
3. Constants not documented
a. CF_MAX (page 803 example only but not with other CF_ constant definitions). Moreover, other CF_???? constants are scattered throughout document and not grouped together and also what type they are with description. Moreover, the TYMED_xxx constants aren't grouped together with type and description.
TYMED_ENHMF not documented or what it means but only example code
b. confProjUser (chapter 12, page 148) Not listed in the "conf" constants list nor documented.
c. standard menu and submenu constants (chapter 25, page 632) don't specify what type they are i.e. integer even though they pertain to (sub)menus.
d. standard item constants (chapter 25, page 636) don't specify what type they are i.e. integer.
e. standard combo box control constants (chapger 26, page 637) don't specify what type they are i.e. integer
f. exportReqIF and exportRIF_1_2 (ch8, page 75) doesn't spcify what type they are i.e. integer.
g. menu,buttonbar,popup constants (ch8, page 645) for end function don't specify what type they are i.e. integer.
4. Functions not documented but used in examples.
a. behavior (page 419) ExternalLink
b. direction (page 419) ExternalLink
c. follow (page 418) ExternalLink
d. update (page 418) ExternalLink
e. name (page 418) ExternalLink
f. body (page 418) ExternalLink (note: not the one for HttpReponse property)
g. doorsname (page 182,483) page 182 function username operation description states "..returned by doorsname…", but on page 483 example code " string user = doorsname". Thus, a builtin function not defined in reference manual.
h. clipboardFormatName (page 804)
i. setCheckMode (page 865)
j. getCheckMode (page 888)
k. probeRichAttr_ (page 865)
l. sibling (chapter 19) not fully documented like other functions
m. saveoptions (chapter 34). NOTE: Language, grammar options, but the function "save" page 875 has the same parameter list and states it saves the options. So error in manual.
n. pageSetups(chapter 31, page 814) not documented.
o. NLS_ (not documented or used in examples) i.e. similar to LS_
p. NLSTEMP_ (not documented or used in examples) i.e. similar to LS_
q. ldapGroupsforUser (Chapter 15, page 237 ) parameter is (User u) used as iterator
undocumented in for loop
r. database (throughout manual in for loops). This name as used in for loops doesn't document if it is a function like database(), or what Attribute type needs to be associated with this name i.e. DB, DBE,Database_
5. Lexical Convention not documented
a. {} which are used for if/for/function body etc and for array data content assignments.
see page 24 sizeof function example that shows, " int ints[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}"
Thus, since []'s are shown on page 10 for the Lexical Convention, the {}'s need to be
added to the list.
6. Properties not documented/errors.
a. Future HttpRequest (page 947) states that "isReady" and "getfullfilledtime" are properties; however, the example program (page 949) uses them as function calls without a dot notation on a variable. Thus, these are really operations and not properties since others are function calls that are listed as operations. i.e. "getValueHttpResponse"
b. fullName function returns UserElement_ type (page 238); however the User and Groups properties section (page 241) lists it as a string property on page 242. Thus a type conflict between string and UserElement_. There is no example showing this assigned to a Group type.
c. Other UserElement_ functions are forename, mayEditDXL, synergyUsername, and surname. The examples show them being used by the User type. They aren't listed in the User and Group properties section (page 241) lists like fullName function. Moreover, no Group type examples.
7. language switches/directives and other names.
pragma with/without #'s and what the min/max values allowed.
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Other" by rschoon Apr 11 '23, 2:14 a.m.