Filter Search condition in Query View (CCM area ELM )

In query view when I am trying to filter search it is considering one attribute column for searching the results
But I want it to consider another attribute column for fetching the results based on filter search
My question :
Is there a way to change the condition for filter search ?
If yes how to change that condition by which filter search works ?.
I'm not looking for parameter querying here.
One answer

This explanation is confusing on so many levels.
- CCM project areas do not live in the JTS, dashboards live.
- There are no work items called "query" usually. There are work item queries.
If you run a work item query, the filter field is for finding text, nothing else.
If you want, you can sort exactly one column (if the content is sortable, that is).
If you want to search for more columns, create a query from the existing one and refine the conditions.
You can make the query conditions parameters in a query to be able to reuse it.
If you want, you can sort exactly one column (if the content is sortable, that is).
If you want to search for more columns, create a query from the existing one and refine the conditions.
You can make the query conditions parameters in a query to be able to reuse it.
Ralph Schoon
What tool are you using, which UI, what do you do in detail, which versions of the tools.
Provide the necessary details in a structured way others can follow. If your question is shorter than my suggestions on how to enhance your question, something is going very wrong.
Yukti Bhat
Mar 29 '23, 1:19 a.m.I am using IBM engineering JTS, CCM project area
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 29 '23, 2:09 a.m.Not even close, not by far. Good luck.
Yukti Bhat
Mar 29 '23, 2:46 a.m.For example, we are using CCM area in the IBM engineering JTS, there is a work item called query. Here in this query, when we run the query it displays some columns.