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DNG: GET link creation date.

Chidambaram L (23414287) | asked Mar 21 '23, 3:30 a.m.
edited Mar 21 '23, 7:12 a.m.
Through Reportable REST API, I am trying to export all artifacts Modified after a certain date.

Editing all attributes & Primary Text of the DNG base artifact, edits the "Modified On".
But creating or removing a link (incoming & outgoing), does not change the "Modified On".

How to get the Link creation date through REST or OSLC. Reportable REST resources Query does not show the link creation date in traceability Node.

I am using DNG 702SR1. Project is not enabled for Configuration Management.

One answer

permanent link
Diana Kraaijeveld (57727) | answered Mar 21 '23, 5:26 a.m.
Not sure how to achieve this trough REST or OSLC, but I can tell you that the artifact's audit history does show the link creation information. (ie in the GUI you would select to 'Open History' and then check the 'Audit History' tab).
Also the Audit History report for the artifact would show the link creation information.

Chidambaram L commented Mar 24 '23, 1:59 a.m.

REST Query of Audit History or Revisions does not show up Link Creation, through displayed in the front end webpage.

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