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JRS Reporting to calculate state history for Work Item 7.0.2

Chandan M B (11314184) | asked Feb 17 '23, 6:54 a.m.


 I saw some of the older posts suggesting to use workitem history to create such a reports. Nobody has commented they are successful in achieving that.

My use case is to calculate the calculating the number of workitem residing in the same state from how many days of the previous state. Similar way I need to do for all state in a single JRS report.

Any solution leads would be helpful

David Honey commented Feb 17 '23, 8:12 a.m.

Is this for reporting against Data Warehouse or against Lifecycle Query Engine?

Chandan M B commented Feb 17 '23, 8:27 a.m.

I am using Data warehouse 

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David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Feb 17 '23, 9:27 a.m.
edited Feb 17 '23, 9:28 a.m.
Look at reports using the Work Item Status History. That records changes to a work item status, its previous state, how many days it has been in that state and so on. You might want to use a traceability path from work item to work item status history so that you can set conditions on the work item:

Chandan M B commented Feb 17 '23, 9:34 a.m.

Thanks. I was trying with historical trends to build a graph on number of workitems present in that state against number of days. Can you tell me when to use Historical Trends vs Current Data ?

David Honey commented Feb 17 '23, 9:55 a.m.
Historical trends is used when you want to spot trends over time. For example, have a graph of the number of closed versus open work items over some time period. In other words where the X-axis represents time.

It sounds like the graph you are trying to implement does have time as its X-axis. This sounds more like a counting type of report.

Chandan M B commented Feb 17 '23, 10:37 a.m.

Yes . I am trying to calculate number of defects against each development team how much days they are taking to move/close the defect in a graph so that the management can decide where exactly the delay..

 New -> In Progress -> Review -> Closed

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