Adding Ownedby Attribute - Create for template in RTC 7.0.2
Hi all,
I have created a template in RTC for Impediment workitemtype, the workitem has ownedby attribute as required field so couldnt keep as Unassinged.
Had to provide a user name from the dropdown list. So everytime when i create it from the template, it has the user name in ownedby field, which we dont want.
The default attributes that appears while we create for template, are also required fields - Filed Against , Planned For
So was thinking if it is possible to add ownedby to the create from template pop up by updating it in xml file.
Have noticed in xml file, attributes for filed against and planned for as below, but not sure how it can be done for owned by?
<rtc_cm:filedAgainst rdf:resource="${filedAgainst:Category}"/>
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="${plannedFor:Iteration}"/>
Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance