How to filter DNG RRC API
Accepted answer
One other answer
You'll have to provide oslc.prefix to define prefixes such as those used in the above example rdm_types and jazz_rm.
It's also important to url encode all the query parameter values
An example of an encoded full query URL for modules with the title returned is:
Not sure about your error code without full details of the GET URL, headers, etc.
That URL isn't encoded correctly. It's ONLY the parameter values that have to be URL encoded, and you have to merge the parameters you want to use with what are already there, i.e. i.e. oslc.query=true and projectURL=... - and ONLY the first parameter is preceded by ? and the following ones are all preceded by & - NOTE This is all standard http needs, nothing to do with ELM.
Are you concatenating all the parameters onto the basic URL, i.e. with no line-breaks or space characters? I just used that way of splitting onto lines to make it easier to see the parameters; when you POST it needs to be one long string
<err:errorMessage rdf:datatype="">Bad Request</err:errorMessage>
<err:errorStatus rdf:datatype="">400</err:errorStatus> Encountered "" at line 1, column 26.
 Was expecting one of:
</err:detailedMessage> Encountered "" at line 1, column 26.
 Was expecting one of:
Hi Rajat I can't see anything wrong with your query#3 that doesn't work, so I can't explain this, but that style of query works for me.