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Start and End dates in Resources Tab-RTC 7.0.2

Namrata B (215) | asked Oct 17 '22, 11:01 a.m.
Hi All,

We have a project area in RTC that is using formal template.
I have noticed that in RTC plans- Resources Tab, we can see the tasks along with start date and end date given.
As the dates are not visible when we open the task, I am not sure from where its taking the dates and why?
I think it is not Planned start date and end date as the attribute values are empty in the tasks.

Please support if any idea. Thanks in advance.

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Robert Genzinger (11) | answered Jan 23 '23, 6:25 p.m.
In the work item type task, you are using an attribute planned for.
The values for this attribute are based o the iterations.
These iteration can have a start and end date.
Adn this dates are the dates you see in the resource tab.

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