how to use RQM REST API or OSLC to get Test Case Execution Record links related to a specific Test case
how to use RQM REST API or OSLC to get Test Case Execution Record links related to a specific Test case?
For one of the servers I m getting the response but not from all the servers where RQM is running. Is there any configuration to be changed ? Could you please help me out.
Thanks in Advance
Accepted answer
The following URL will return all Test Case Execution Records:
https://<server>:9443/qm/service/ Banking (Quality Management)/executionworkitem
You can filter by testcase/href like below:
https://<server>:9443/qm/service/ Banking (Quality Management)/executionworkitem?fields=feed/entry/content/executionworkitem/(*|testcase[@href="https://<server>:9443/qm/service/ Banking (Quality Management)/testcase/"])
You can refer for details.