DNG Changeset behaviour with artifacts
Dear team,
Can you help with below queries
1. i have created CS in DNG , added artifact (by mistake) and delete the artifact (not remove) and i can still deliver the CS. What is actually in there?
2. i have created CS in DNG, added artifact (by mistake) and removed the artifact( not delete) and what actually CS is holding here?
Accepted answer
You can always compare the changeset to the stream it's created from - baer in mind that if other users are delivering changesets into the stream then these edits will validly show up in the comparison - this shows differences in three steps: properties, folders then finally artifacts.
I'm guessing with your references to delete and remove you may be working in a module - here are some possibilities
- If I create a new artifact outside a module then delete it the comparison shows no difference - 'remove not delete' doesn't seem relevant to this - you can't deliver this empty changeset
- If I create a new artifact in a module then remove the artifact from the module but don't delete the core artifact then the comparison shows that the core artifact is new in the CS and that the module modification date has changed - you can deliver this changeset
- If I create a new artifact in a module then remove the artifact from the module and also delete the core artifact then the comparison shows only a change of the module modification date because the module structure has been changed twice, albeit with no net effect: the module modification date is the only difference - you can deliver this changeset
- If I add an existing artifact to a module then remove it from the module without deleting the core artifact then the comparison shows differences that the core artifact has been created and the module modification date has changed - note the core artifact can only be deleted when removing the module artifact if the core artifact isn't used in any other modules - you can deliver this changeset
- If I add an existing artifact to a module then remove it from the module and (if the artifact isn't used in any other modules) also delete the core artifact then the comparison shows the core artifact is deleted and the module modification date has changed - you can deliver this changeset
If there are actually no differences shown in the comparison changeset<>stream then you can't deliver and you should discard the changeset.