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How to fetch modules and artifact details for GC enabled project area in DNG

KT PD (599) | asked Aug 29 '22, 8:28 a.m.

 Hi team,

I am working on DNG restful APIs to get the artifacts details from modules under particular project areas.
The version is 7.0.2.
I can able to get that using below APIs
and its working as expected. Now, I want to fetch the modules and artifacts details for GC enabled project area on particular stream. So what is the expected URL to get the module details from GC enabled project area.
Can anyone help


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Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered Aug 30 '22, 3:48 a.m.

To be specific, you're using the DOORS Next Reportable REST API

To retrieve from a particular configuraiton add an additional query parameter & oslc_config.context= and then the configuration URL, carefully URL-encoded.

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