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Data Source Connection

Gerardo Barbosa (1632) | asked Dec 07 '09, 4:41 p.m.
Hi everyone,

I have archived a project wich name was "ProjectA".

After that I created a new with the same name.

When I ran the report it showed me the old data (from the archive Project).

Should I change XML Data Configuration?

Thanks in advance

2 answers

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John Nason (2.4k1012) | answered Dec 10 '09, 9:31 a.m.
Hi Gerardo,
I'm pretty sure that the "Project Area Alias" is being used for the connection since it uses the API. The Project Area Alias is slightly different than the Project Area Name. Initially, the Name and Alias are the same, but if you change the Name then the Alias stays the same. If you were to create 2 projects with the same name, the second one will likely have a different alias to retain uniqueness in the repository. I would try using the alias name for the new project area to get its data.


Hi everyone,

I have archived a project wich name was "ProjectA".

After that I created a new with the same name.

When I ran the report it showed me the old data (from the archive Project).

Should I change XML Data Configuration?

Thanks in advance

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Gerardo Barbosa (1632) | answered Dec 10 '09, 12:54 p.m.

1) Where can I get the project area alias?
2) Where should I define de project area alias ? In Xml Data Configuration relative url?

Thanks a lot

Hi Gerardo,
I'm pretty sure that the "Project Area Alias" is being used for the connection since it uses the API. The Project Area Alias is slightly different than the Project Area Name. Initially, the Name and Alias are the same, but if you change the Name then the Alias stays the same. If you were to create 2 projects with the same name, the second one will likely have a different alias to retain uniqueness in the repository. I would try using the alias name for the new project area to get its data.


Hi everyone,

I have archived a project wich name was "ProjectA".

After that I created a new with the same name.

When I ran the report it showed me the old data (from the archive Project).

Should I change XML Data Configuration?

Thanks in advance

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