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[RTC or EWM] I want to make and update APPROVALS using "REST API"

HIROAKI JOSAKO (47430) | asked Jul 21 '22, 10:38 p.m.

I want to make and update APPROVALS using "REST API"
Is it possible to do it?

2 answers

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David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Jul 22 '22, 3:14 a.m.

HIROAKI JOSAKO commented Jul 25 '22, 12:58 a.m.

I Looked at this pages.
But there was no information I wanted.

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 23 '22, 6:03 a.m.
edited Jul 23 '22, 6:19 a.m.
No, there is no public supported REST or otherwise public supported HTTP based API available to create, update Approval data in EWM work items. There is a reportable REST API that allows to GET the data - look at the example on my blog.

The only public supported API's that support create and update Approval data in EWM work items are the EWM SDK and the Plain Java Client Libraries.

I am getting alarmed about all the questions you ask about APIs and wonder what you intent to do with all these APIs. The questions I start asking myself are around, what the purpose of all this would be, why you need to do it, who pays for it, is it worth it? Why APIs? 

HIROAKI JOSAKO commented Jul 25 '22, 12:56 a.m.

Thank you for always replying! My teacher, Ralph!
It's only the EWM (RTC) SDK.
I understand your concern.
I will briefly explain the state of our development project.
Our development is long term and the life cycle of one work item is very rewarding. It may be more than a year.
Therefore, the total number of work items that a team leader manages at one time can exceed 1000 to 2000.
This makes it impossible to check each item in a web browser.

I am responsible for making the use of EWM efficient and meaningful.
I am asked if there is an easy way to check and update. To list work items, click
One of the ideas is,
EWM (RestAPI) download to Excel, Excel (RestAPI) update to EWM.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 25 '22, 7:16 a.m. | edited Jul 25 '22, 7:24 a.m.

I am not sure, if using the APIs makes using work items more effective. I would doubt that. If you want to be able to create, read, update etc. work items, the API you have to use is the SDK/Plain Java Client Libraries.  

You might want to look at and reuse/enhance it, instead of trying to develop all you need on your own. 

HIROAKI JOSAKO commented Jul 25 '22, 8:20 p.m.

The normal update uses the CSV import and the Workitem-Command-Line that you have developed.

Correcting Workitem-command-line expansion development may certainly be a means.
I'll think about it.

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