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EWM Work Item in GitHub Pull Request

Garrett Rolfs (83189) | asked Aug 04 '21, 3:47 p.m.

Was it an intentional design decision not to trigger linking when specifying an EWM work item id in a GitHub Pull Request title?

Entering a work item pattern in a Pull Request description (first comment) works as documented and expected. However for commit messages triggering happens when the work item pattern is either in the commit title or body.

EWM Version 7.0.2.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 05 '21, 3:06 a.m.
I have a hard time understanding the last sentence and the use case. I am also not really fluent in Git and am unsure in which UI, if any, this use case happens. You might want to expand on the question and its background.

Note, that few people can comment on design decisions on this forum.

Pleas also be aware that the Jazz Community has provided some custom enhancements for the GIT integration:

Garrett Rolfs commented Aug 05 '21, 4:29 p.m.

 Ok, let me try again. Perhaps I should just contact support. It wasn't my intent to burden this forum. If you feel this should be asked elsewhere, I will gladly do that.

The crux of the question is:

Should specifying a work item pattern in the title of a pull request trigger linking to an EWM work item?

As for the last sentence, git commit messages (by convention?) have a summary and a body. The reason I say "by convention?" is the help for the git commit "-m" option states that specifying muliple "-m"'s creates a new paragraph for each "-m". The first line (paragraph) is the summary (I have worked on some projects where they have a hook to limit the summary to 80 characters). Specifying a work item pattern in the summary or in a later paragraph of a commit message triggers linking.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 06 '21, 2:17 a.m.
Garret, no, I think this forum is the right place to ask, I just do not have the knowledge to understand and answer it. 

One answer

permanent link
Stefan Oblinger (185213) | answered Aug 12 '21, 3:17 p.m.

I can not comment about design decisions. But I would agree that this is inconsistent.

Another inconsistency is, that the set of supported patterns depends on what you intend to link - Commits or Pull Requests.

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