ETM/RQM: Save Resource operation behavior
We are trying to explore if attributes of a lab resource are selected or not during Save. Although we tried a precondition and follow-up, the operation data received each time belonged to an internal API without any accessor methods.
Accepted answer
When you try to configure operational behavior in ETM for a project area, can you see any supported operation involving lab resources? I don't and I assume that is because the save lab resource operation has no operation provided for an advisor.
If we connect to RQM via RTC Eclipse Client, Save Lab resource (server) is visible in operational behavior, which we were trying to harness. Since its available for configuration, the information on its operation parameters would help us...
You can select "Precondition and Follow Up actions are....." for the operation. Then open the process configuration source at the end. You can see all operation ID's in the XML. The one you as about is "".
1 vote
It's okay. I have decided to use RTC to configure operational behavior and use RQM api to save machines from RTC to RQM. At least I can fulfill the main requirement.