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RPE: _sessionLogger throws error

Chidambaram L (23414286) | asked Jul 13 '22, 7:35 a.m.
edited Jul 13 '22, 7:37 a.m.
I am using RPE 7.0.0.

Throws error in Console:
CRRPE3022E The JavaScript expression could not be evaluated.
ReferenceError: "_sessionLogger" is not defined. (src1#558)

In rpe.log
13-07-2022T16:53:56:888 [RRDG_1:334-CORE] CRRPE3022E The JavaScript expression could not be evaluated. ReferenceError: "_sessionLogger" is not defined. (src1#558) org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: ReferenceError: "_sessionLogger" is not defined. (src1#558)

How to write debugging content into rpe.log, console log is getting cleared every few minutes, even if the limit is increased.

One answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jul 13 '22, 7:45 a.m.

 Looks like RPE internal variable "_sessionLogger" is not selected. Please open the Script Expression and select the checkbox for _sessionLogger. You can generate log entries with one of the following methods:

ex: _sessionLogger.warn("This will be shown in the rpe.log file");                                            

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