How do I format a number in RPE?
RPE iFix 21
Using Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio
Trying to publish a value from RTC > WorkItem > AllExtensions > DisplayValue
Number is provided to RPE as (for example) 1000.10
I want to show this as 1,000.10
I have tried parseFloat(displayValue).toLocaleString('en-GB') but this doesn't work (invalid radix?)
Also tried just displayValue.toLocaleString('en-GB') but this returned [object String]
Any other ways?
Many thanks!
David Honey
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 15 '22, 10:16 a.m.Please add appropriate tags to this question, thanks.
Glyn Costello
Mar 15 '22, 10:18 a.m.I've added a couple more tags