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Would CLM 6.0.5 be compatible with SQL Server 2017

RTC User Prime (215) | asked Jun 14 '22, 2:47 a.m.
Hi Experts. 

Currently my CLM version is 6.0.5 and the SQL Server version is 2012. But the support for SQL 2012 will end in July 2022. So wanted to check if the current version of 6.0.5 would be compatible with an upgraded SQL Server 2017 ?. Considering the Upgrade from SQL 2012 to SQL 2017 as the higher priority than the Application Upgrade from 6.0.5 to, wanted to check the best option possible out of the below.

  1. Upgraded SQL 2017 with Existing CLM 6.0.5                     
  2. Upgraded SQL 2017 with Upgraded CLM                 
  3. Shift to ORACLE / DB2 with Existing CLM 6.0.5    
  4. Shift to ORACLE / DB2 with Upgraded CLM             
Please note that I am aware of the fact that CLM 6.0.5 is already out of support from IBM but just wanted to check as the SQL version upgrade is of high priority. 

Accepted answer

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jun 14 '22, 8:27 p.m.

CLM 6.0.5 supports Microsoft SQL Server 2012 , 2014 and future fix packs.
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 is not supported with CLM 6.0.5.

Given that also supports SQL Server 2014, you may go to SQLServer 2014 with
v6061 upgrade and migrate to DB2/Oracle if further upgrade to v702 is considered.

BTW, v6061 is EOS by the end of Oct 2022.

RTC User Prime selected this answer as the correct answer

RTC User Prime commented Jun 15 '22, 1:57 a.m.

Thanks a lot  Don Yang ...This helps.!!

One other answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 14 '22, 4:00 a.m.

 This is information that you can find on your own as well. We call this "System Requirements".

Use Downloads, navigate to the download page of the ELM version you want. Select the "Getting Started" tab.
Scroll down/search for the link to "system requirements". Open the link and familiarize yourself with the format.

Use the "All Platforms" link select the tab you are interested in. The supported DB versions are under "Prerequisites".

RTC User Prime commented Jun 14 '22, 6:22 a.m.

 I have tried the same but I end up with the below error. So wanted to check if someone who had worked on 6.0.5 and would know if SQL 2017 is compatible. Is there any way we can find the 'Prerequisites'

Cannot retrieve the report.
No product specified. It may be because the deliverable id is invalid, or the product has been marked as end-of-service, or the product is not ready for publishing.

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 14 '22, 6:25 a.m.

I see the same error. I would suggest you open a case with support. 

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