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Are there some way to activate the Second Authetnication Factor in ELM 7.0.

Pedro Alfonso Perusquia (113) | asked Jun 19 '23, 8:23 p.m.
edited Jun 20 '23, 3:18 p.m.

I have a customer than want to activate te second authentication factor in ELM 7.0 On Premise.

Currently the authenticion is doneĀ  via LDAP with Microsoft Active Directory and Azure.

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Davyd Norris (2.4k217) | answered Jun 20 '23, 10:18 p.m.
This would be done inside MS AD, not ELM and you'll need to delegate the authentication job to AD.

There's an 'automatic' way to set this up and a manual way. If you install the Jazz Authorisation Server, then you can use that to quickly set up SSO via the MS AD SAML IdP, which will delegate the sign in to AD. See the wiki for details:

The alternative is to manually configure Liberty to do SSO via SAML, but be aware that this is a Liberty specific thing and not necessarily covered by IBM ELM Support:

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