Multiple Stream conflicts Need help in RM
I have multiple streams composed as the following.
One answer
From my perspective, you are deliberately creating a conflict and to solve that you have to merge.
Ralph, when I merge it's not merging the data at all, its only keeping data from either the contributing stream 1 or 2 even after clicking merge data. Any other suggestions?
I did it a bit different and merged Stream 2 to Stream 1. I don't think it makes a difference. Anyway, I was able to go through the conflicts and I was able to select to pick the source, the destination and MANUAL Merge, which allowed me to edit what the result should be.
This is close to how merging works in all the tools I know.
Yes, that is my work around for the primary text attribute, however, that is the only attribute that allows my to do that, no other attribute will allow you do manually do it. It only gives me the option to deliver change or not deliver change on the other attribute that has conflicts and the merge button doesnt actually merge the data. If you can test another attribute and see if you are still able to do it will help a lot. If you are able to then maybe its something with permissions.