RPE table caption numbering
Looking for a way to get the auto numbering set in my table captions.
I have the text coming in from my Doors module (object text) for the caption just fine.
However, I am getting an auto number labeling it seems. 1, 2, 3 at the front of my captions.
That seems to be what the index is for the table as well.
Any ideas on how to remove that? Or use my chapter/section numbering as that index?
Thank you for any help you can provide. I have been looking for an answer for a week at this point.
One answer
Still struggling for a solution if anyone has any ideas. Thank you very much
Are you using Table Caption element in the template? Can you attach a screenshot of the template?
Yes. I have tried a few different script and field code options. Nothing has worked out.
This is where I am now.
You can see the field code/label, and the script used on the right.
You can see the field code/label, and the script used on the right.
The script is to be able to caption the section number I am printing for that caption.
No matter what I put here, the entry in the document always comes out as "1 Table x.x alsdhfasfd". So it is lead with 1, which is the table of captions entry presumably, but I have no idea how to get that "1" to be my section number in stead. Or perhaps what scripting code it would take to label my x.x as the table caption index mark.
Hopefully that makes some sense
No matter what I put here, the entry in the document always comes out as "1 Table x.x alsdhfasfd". So it is lead with 1, which is the table of captions entry presumably, but I have no idea how to get that "1" to be my section number in stead. Or perhaps what scripting code it would take to label my x.x as the table caption index mark.
Hopefully that makes some sense
I had exactly the same issue and I think I solved it.
You can use regexp to put Table before the number. It took me some time as well to figure that out.