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ETM URL Utility

Andy Lapping (6839) | asked Feb 24 '22, 3:53 a.m.
edited Feb 24 '22, 4:12 a.m.

Has anyone actually gotten this to work (702 iFix10) ? 

I tried a basic example - created two projects ETM1 and ETM2 with a single test plan in ETM1

I downloaded the test plan successfully with a GET but I could not PUT it to the other project
Everything I've tried results in a server response of 400

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command PUT -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

I tried TLS1.2

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command PUT -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.
Connected to https://ibmjazz:9443 using project "ETM2"
Attempting to create protocol context using system property: TLSv1.2
Calling [ HTTP PUT ] method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
Server Response code: 400
Disconnecting from the IBM Engineering Test Management server.

<<<<<----- [ ETM URL Utility ] ---->>>>>

Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.
Connected to https://ibmjazz:9443 using project "ETM2"
Attempting to create SSL_TLS context SSL_TLS SSLContext not available
Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying TLS
Calling [ HTTP PUT ] method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
Server Response code: 400
Disconnecting from the IBM Engineering Test Management server.

I also tried a POST with the same result
I also gave Everyone permissions to do Everything (just in case it was a permissions error)

I'm out of options

4 answers

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Andy Lapping (6839) | answered Feb 24 '22, 5:11 a.m.
edited Feb 24 '22, 5:19 a.m.

OK so these two commands will read all test plans from ETM2 and add them to ETM1 - hope this helps someone else !

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command POST -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

permanent link
David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Feb 24 '22, 4:09 a.m.

Andy, the errors you're seeing look like TLS related errors. Are you using the JRE shipped with ETM, or a later JRE?
If you are using a later JRE, that might be the cause.

Andy Lapping commented Feb 24 '22, 4:14 a.m. | edited Feb 24 '22, 4:17 a.m.

Hi David - using java version "1.8.0_221"

I hard coded the command to use the Java shipped with ETM - still got a 400 but a slightly different message afterwards:

Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.
Connected to https://ibmjazz:9443 using project "ETM2"
Attempting to create protocol context using system property: TLSv1.2
Feb 24, 2022 9:16:01 AM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector isRedir
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled
Calling [ HTTP POST ] method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
Server Response code: 400
Disconnecting from the IBM Engineering Test Management server.
Feb 24, 2022 9:16:02 AM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase getResponse
WARNING: Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getRespon
seBodyAsStream instead is recommended.

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Andy Lapping (6839) | answered Feb 24 '22, 4:22 a.m.

 More on this:

PUTing a resource back to its original location works just fine (I changed the title in the XML and pushed it back)
POSTing it to a new project does not

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command PUT -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

Default cookie policy RFC_2109 is used.
Connected to https://ibmjazz:9443 using project "ETM1"
Attempting to create protocol context using system property: TLSv1.2
Calling [ HTTP PUT ] method to upload XML from a specified file to URL
Server Response code: 200
[ SUCCESS ] XML string from file : "c:/work/get.xml" written to URL : "https://i
rces/ETM1/testplan/ "
Disconnecting from the IBM Engineering Test Management server.

permanent link
Andy Lapping (6839) | answered Feb 24 '22, 5:00 a.m.

 So I've made some progress on this

I can GET a single resource and then POST that to a new project (the key is not to include the id of the new test plan in the POST) - should have paid more attention to the docs on that one !

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command POST -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

However Bulk download / upload which is what I was hoping for still throws 400:

java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/
java -jar RQMUrlUtility.jar -command POST -user ibm -password ibm -filepath c:/work/get.xml -url https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/service/

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