RQM rest api get Testcase by title with % on the title
Good morning,
i am using the rest api on RQM 6.0 to get the date of a testCase matching a specific title, but the title contains the % simbol and i could not make the query work.
Lests say the title is "Check that the preasure is under 100%"
Acording to the api documentaiton: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi : "wildcard characters may be escaped by a proceeding # character"
So I ran the query like:
.../testcase?fields=feed/entry/content/testcase[title='Check that the preasure is under 100%']/* <-- expected fail: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input string.
.../testcase?fields=feed/entry/content/testcase[title='Check that the preasure is under 100#%']/* <-- return all the TC regardless of the title
.../testcase?fields=feed/entry/content/testcase[title='Check that the preasure is under 100##%']/* <-- return all the TC regardless of the title
.../testcase?fields=feed/entry/content/testcase[title='Check that the preasure is under 100\%']/* <-- fails: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input string
.../testcase?fields=feed/entry/content/testcase[title='Check that the preasure is under 100\\%']/* <-- fails: URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - For input string
i also tried all this combination replacing the string char ' to " with similars results
Also tried adding
but it does not work.
I dont know what else to try, but it fails or return everything regardles of the title.
Any clue on how to escape the % character
One answer
Hello Pablo,
I was playing with the API and seems this might work for you
{{hostname-url}}/qm/service/com.ibm.rqm.integration.service.IIntegrationService/resources/{{qm-project-area-id}}/testcase?fields=feed/entry/content/testcase[title='Check that the preasure is under 100*']/*&strictFields=true&wildcard=*
Hope this helps
Sorry. It does not help.
Please note that the % is part of the title, i do not intent do use it as a wildcard, or regex.
so i have a this two test cases:
"Check that the preasure is under 100%"
"Check that the preasure is under 100Y"
Your query will return them both, and i just whant the first one.
Sorry. It does not help.
Please note that the % is part of the title, i do not intent do use it as a wildcard, or regex.
so i have a this two test cases:
"Check that the preasure is under 100%"
"Check that the preasure is under 100Y"
Your query will return them both, and i just whant the first one.
I just tried this also:
?fields=feed/entry/content/testcase[title='Check that the preasure is under 100#%']/*&strictFields=true&wildcard=*
And return all the TestCases on the platform (not filtering by title at all).