Are there any good examples of using Rhapsody with C++ for a simulation/calculations? What language/compiler is best to use with rhapsody?
Accepted answer
The compiler is usually used to compile source code that Rhapsody has generated from the model. What you are doing I think is more of an analysis. I've done something similar with RAAML (Risk Analysis) - I build the model using graphics and / or tables - and then I use Java - through the Rhapsody API - to perform the actual calculations. The results of the calculations are also added to the model and presented in tables. Have a look and see if this is the kind of thing you want:
One other answer
It really depends on what you are trying to achieve and what you level of knowledge is with the languages. Rhapsody supports C, C++ and Java. If you are an experienced C++ programmer then yes use C++ - if you know Java use Java. Then there is the expense - Java 'compilers' are free - as is Cygwin. Visual Studio on the other hand tends to be an expense although there are lightweight free versions you can use (last time I checked anyway which was a while ago).