Using RQM rest api cannot fetch Test Case procedure and Test Case design
I'm able to run below api to get a Test Case but it is not returning "Test Case Design" and "Test Procedure". Am I missing something?
Headers I'm using are:
headers = ["Accept": "application/xml", "OSLC-Core-Version":"2.0", "Content-Type": "application/rdf+xml"]
Any help is appreciated!
2 answers
Are you running under a specific configuration Context?
If so add this at the end of your request:
?oslc_config.context=https://ibmjazz:9443/gc/configuration/id of your gc context
Have you tried with this syntax:
?oslc_config.context=https://ibmjazz:9443/gc/configuration/id of your gc context
with no gc context
https://almserver/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_Fwvv8AmIEeesd8ilar7eYA/resources/ of the same testcase in the form: _3QmL8VKTEeeMeq_eyD18bQ)
With GC context:
https://almserver/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_Fwvv8AmIEeesd8ilar7eYA/resources/ of the same testcase in the form: _3QmL8VKTEeeMeq_eyD18bQ)
Hope that will you help
Regards, Fabrice Mendes
Hi, Sorry for the late answer I was out.
In the response, you should have a link like this:
<rqm_qm:richTextSection rdf:resource="https://ibmjazz:9443/qm/oslc_qm/contexts/_JGGrYVKIEeeMeq_eyD18bQ/resources/"/>
If you make a GET in the same configuration context, YOu get the content of the "TestCase Design".
Regards, Fabrice