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Is it possible to import test case results or test execution records from external systems into ETM?

Daikan Murata (297) | asked May 31 '20, 9:42 p.m.
edited May 31 '20, 10:40 p.m.


Would it be possible to import or update Test Case Result or Test Execution Record from an external test system with RQM reportable REST API?
And in that case, can we correlate the test case or test execution record with attachments?

I checked the following URL, but I'm not sure it is possible.

I'm using ETM v7.

Accepted answer

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Jun 01 '20, 1:43 a.m.

 It is possible to create attachment using Reportable Rest API. You can use MultipartEntityBuilder for it.

Daikan Murata selected this answer as the correct answer

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