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When applying CLM_606_iFix024, do the "app_upgrade.bat" or "updateSiteFor_6.0.6.0-iFix024.zip" need to be installed as well? If so, in what directory path?

One answer

You can get the iFix installation instructions
from https://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral/swg/downloadFixes?parent=ibm%7ERational&product=ibm%2FRational%2FRational+Collaborative+Lifecycle+Management+Solution&release=6.0.6&platform=All&function=fixId&fixids=6.0.6-Rational-CLM-ifix024&includeSupersedes=0&downloadMethod=http&source=fc&login=true
Looking at the readme for 6.0.6 iFix024, I see:
only applies to Rhapsody Model Manager - see that section in the readme. -
is mentioned in the contents section and references section5 RATIONAL TEAM CONCERT CLIENT FOR ECLIPSE UPDATE SITE INSTRUCTIONS
. The instructions there describe how to install that update site on each Eclipse client.