Preserve time stamps option do not work when using a loadrule file
Hello dear community,
Currently I'm facing a problem where I cannot load the files from RTC with a loadrule file using the option --preservetimestamps, in this case the files are loaded but they get the time-stamp at the moment of the load, not preserving the original ones.
If I load the files without using a loadrule, the option --preservetimestamps works fine, however then I have another problem because the components and subcomponents are all loaded to the same root path, not having a properly hierarchy between folders and subfolder (component and subcomponents), what cause some conflits.
I already try out to use the propertie "team.scm.preserveFileTimestamps" in my build definition but just simply doesn't work.
Anyone have some idea that could help?
Anyone have some idea that could help?
Thank you in advance.