EWM - using repotools with jetty server?
2 answers
If I would want to do this, I would use the existing repotools-ccm of a compatible server (e.g. shipped with the development server running on 9443 with the extensions workshop.)
If it would work against the Jetty on 7443, I'd be happy. If not, I would at least have tried. Note that there could be problems e.g. due to performance issues on the derby DB as well.
Hey Ralph
Coulda, woulda.. I'm trying to do an scmimport to reuse a test case created elsewhere. Problem is that the jetty impl uses derby, and scm import isn't supported with a derby db. Sigh..
thanks -
Does it work or does it error out?
errors out - but I've seen that before while trying it with Derby databases in a not-jetty situation.
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/ccm/teamserver.properties".
CRJAZ1778I This server is configured as an application.
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "conf/ccm/derby/repositoryDB"
CRJAZ2654E The server was unable to connect to the database because the database connection settings are invalid or because database is unreachable (SQLSTATE: XJ040, SQLCODE: 40000). Verify the connection settings in your teamserver.properties file. See the Jazz Team Server log for more information.
I do not know what the repotools do. The teamserver.properties for the Jetty Server is more in the launch configuration. You can see the paths to derby etc. there. It might be necessary to provide the repotools a teamserver.properties file that has content that works. You can try to get the properties from the server administration page.
Please note that the context root in the extensions workshop debug server is jazz and not ccm, so you might even have to do something about that, e.g. create a repotools-jazz or something.
The context root you would work against is https://localhost:7443/jazz