How to update a field in ETM through excel export and import?
We are using ETM 702 . Business team wants to add a customize field in all ETM artifacts and update the field programmatically. Do we have any option like exporting the artifact including the customize field in excel and update the field value and import it again (like in EWM)?
I want to give a try with excel export utility. Don't know whether this scenario will be covered or not.
If any one already come across this scenario , please throw some light on this.
Chandan M B
Nov 13 '21, 6:51 a.m.Hi Mohanraj,
Mohanraj Ragupathi
Nov 15 '21, 1:34 a.m.Thanks Chandan . I will give a try and let you know.
Mohanraj Ragupathi
Nov 18 '21, 6:40 a.m.As you suggested I tried.This is the script & Attached the excel table "image"
Chandan M B
Nov 18 '21, 11:30 a.m.As per the error message, you have to pass all mandatory fields along with custom attributes. Looks like your test script step is missing.