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How to load a JIRA *cloud* JSON schema into RPE

Franklin Hurst (11) | asked Oct 06 '21, 2:20 p.m.


I am a complete noob to RPE.

I am using RPE and I am trying to load a data schema from JIRA cloud.  Initially I tried using basic authentication, and got some errors about authentication.  So I tried from another machine using the command line in Linux and got the message that basic authentication using a username and password is deprecated.  So at that point, I went the direction of trying to use curl and change the username:password string into a base64 and got the same error about using a username and password.
So, the next thing I realized is I was using a process for JIRA server, and I want the process for JIRA Cloud.  So, for JIRA cloud, one needs to generate an API token in JIRA and then one can use that token, I was able to successfully authenticate and use the curl command from my debian Linux machine to download the data.  However, I still don't know how to make the JIRA cloud API token work from inside RPE.  Is there some way to include the API token in the URL to the schema from within the "Select a New Data Source Schema Wizard"?  Or should I be using something other than that wizard to pass the API token since the token apparently does work at least from the Linux command line and lets me get the data.  Any help and/or direction for resources would be appreciated.

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Fariz Saracevic (919613) | answered Oct 10 '21, 4:00 a.m.

Hi Franklin,

I suggest to look at the YouTube video on this topic If you still have questions, you should review PUB documentation


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