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Can we to use RTC api in groovy script of UCR plugin?

Nazneen Shaikh (111) | asked Apr 06 '20, 2:44 a.m.

 I am a beginner in RTC and recently started working on UCR and RTC integration.

 The RTC plugin for UCR is unidirectional i.e only fetches data from RTC and does not send back data.
 We are trying to create a UCR plugin that can set attribute value on RTC workitem based on some activity done in UCR. In addition to this we are also Trying to create a Release in UCR based on workitem creation in RTC.
Can we directly use the RTC API's in groovy scripts of UCR plugin to fetch/send data to/from RTC? 

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 06 '20, 7:17 a.m.

I think you can.

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