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How to fetch a Test Plan using its webId attribute in RQM via Rest API

Thiruvenkadam Dhanaraj (27218) | asked Jul 10 '18, 2:46 a.m.

I tried fetching the testplan with its WebId i get all test plans. what i need is all attributes of a specific test plan for the given webId.

i tried this query,

i get all entry of testplans with its webId. But i need a testplan whose webId is 1.

Could you please help me on fetching the exact testplan whose webId is 1.

Many thanks in advance.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jul 10 '18, 6:34 a.m.

 Hi Thiruvenkadam,

Unfortunately, the test plan webId property cannot be used in a fields filter (see  In addition, you need the /* appended to your fields expression to select all the test plan properties (see  Finally, when using fields selection/filtering (, use the strictFields=true request parameter (see to force invalid fields requests to fail with an error message.

To solve your issue, you can use a resource URL with an internal:

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