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whether new feature supported for Fine-grained Customization of Configuration Data in RTC?

jane zhou (1061068) | asked Jan 08 '21, 10:19 p.m.


Hi Someone who may concern,

         May I ask some questions on Fine-grained Customization on RTC ( and later version) because I did not find too much latest information on for this topic. 

        As you know, RTC provides the ability to use template project, i.e. you can configure several projects use the project area from the same template project, and if you update attributes in template project ( as master), all projects related ( as consumer) will be updated accordingly at once. So we can centralize process maintenance.

             Currently, our management team is exploring the possibility to add some customization on consuming project level, i.e. even you define something on master project level, is it possible we can customize it again on consuming project level for the following items?
                1  Use different presentation layout? ( hide some attributes ? or add new tabs? change position of the attribute from one tab to the other?)
                2  Define precondition differently?(Make attribute mandatory or not mandatory different with configuration on template project?)
                3  Run Javascript such as calculatedValue and ValueSet script on consuming project level with different content on template project ?

 And I got the link on Fine-grained Customization of Configuration Data for 4.0.1 and 4.0.4:

But it only mention about adding new attribute or change custom attribute name on 4.0.1 and 4.0.4, not sure whether it can support features above on or later version?


Best Regards

One answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Jan 09 '21, 6:39 a.m.

 There have been no additional features in this area added since 4.0.4, so the link that you found is accurate for all current releases.

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