How can I import ReqIF file without renaming the resource - Artifact attribute by adding a suffix. "[DNG-Renamed-]"?
While importing ReqIF file into DNG If an imported type resource has the same name as an existing type resource,
then the incoming type is renamed by adding a suffix. "[DNG-Renamed-<X>]" where <X> is the next available number for the type name and suffix.
I dont want it to be renamed by adding a suffix, instead it should be updated in the existing resource available in the system.
For example the project in DNG already contains a pirority attribute and the ReqIF file that i am importing also contains a priority attribute.
In this case an attribute named Priority [DNG-Renamed-1] is created during the import.
I want it to be updated in the existing attribute rather than creating new attribute Priority [DNG-Renamed-1].
How can this be achieved?
Thanks in Advance!