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How to add failed test cases to a new test plan?

Reinhold Bock (113) | asked Mar 04 '21, 7:54 a.m.

HI everybody,

following scenario:
I have a Test Plan (1. iteration) > linked test cases and TCER with results. I open the section TCER of the test plan and filter on "last result = failed". Now, I want to add these test cases to a new Test Plan (2. iteration). How can I do this?

I think it is a normal workflow for a test lead to plan the execution of failed test cases for the next iteration.

Thanks a lot.

One answer

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Dani Simon (70114) | answered Mar 04 '21, 8:57 a.m.
edited Mar 04 '21, 9:05 a.m.

 Hi Reinhold

In the test plan section TCER you can select and click on the edit icon to get this kontext menu:

duplicate tcer to new plan

Does this work for you? 
I haven't used this, but should work :-) 

Okay, I didn't get your question right before.
I don't think (guess) that you will get a solution for your problem, because RQM uses iterations in the TCERs. So if you want to run your test case in a new iteration, you don't need to add it to a new testplan, but create a new tcer with a new iteration - and use the same test plan again.


Reinhold Bock commented Mar 04 '21, 9:07 a.m.

Hi Dani,

I have seen this option, but it is not working. I got the following "warning" and then I cannot continue.
Warning: execution record(s) have been selected which contain Test Case references which are not members of the destination test plan. Ensure your selected plan has the Test Cases expected for execution records to be copied 
I would have expected the test case to be added automatically to the new test plan, but that does not seem to be the case.

Reinhold Bock commented Mar 04 '21, 9:17 a.m.


maybe I used the wrong wording. 
e.g. I create two individual test plans for two different software versions and I want to add test cases which are failed with the first SW version to the other test plan for re-test.
kind regards

Dani Simon commented Mar 04 '21, 9:33 a.m.


You are right, then I would also expect the behaviour the testcases will be copied to the new test plan. 

But still why do you use two different test plans for different iterations/versions ? 
You could also use the iteration in your TCERs and in the test plan tcer section you can select TCERs with iteration filter. Then you get all the TCERs you need for the new iteration. 


Reinhold Bock commented Mar 08 '21, 1:06 a.m.

Good morning Dani,

I am new in the QM world and I do not have the overview about the workflows, yet. Your seems the better one. I will try it. Thanks a lot.


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