How to request a list of artifacts in a component using Python REST API?
I asked an earlier question about querying DNG to find the artifacts for a project, and realized I needed to include a specific OSLC request in my query. However I am still having issues getting any information other than the folder names/structure. I receive a 403: Forbidden error with every request I make, however I am fairly certain the authentication is working as I'm able to see these folders as well as some other protected information. I have also tried using a single session object to make the requests, with no change in results. Here is an example of a request I'm making to see the artifacts inside a component:
self.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'OSLC-Core-Version': '2.0', 'Accept': 'application/rdf+xml'}
info = {'':'*' , 'oslc.where':'dcterms:identifier=123456' , 'oslc.prefix':'dcterms=https://ServerName/dc/terms/'}
encoded = urlencode(info, quote_via=quote_plus)baseURL = 'https://ServerName/rm/views?oslc.query=true&projectURL=https%3A%2F%2FServerName%2Frm%2Fprocess%2Fproject-areas%2F_1ipDAGUlEemksZVbt6XKiw&'
resp4_URL = baseURL + encoded
<Response [403]>
<err:detailedMessage rdf:datatype=""
>CRRRS1602W The operation is forbidden</err:detailedMessage>
<err:errorMessage rdf:datatype=""
<err:errorStatus rdf:datatype=""
Accepted answer
Hi Allison this doesn't end in &, where yours seems to - you need to confirm the full URL you are using is well-formed
Thank you so much, this is very helpful. Could you explain how to obtain the vvc.configuration header?
I was able to grab the configuration header manually from the database, but is there a way to do it programmatically?
:-) You use the Creation Factory for to get the components in your project, which gets you a URL to get all the configurations in the component on oslc_config:configurations as rdfs:member, then get the config to see its name. That's the 10,000m view, gory details with an example of the RDF at each stage are in a previous answer of mine here If you're going to be selecting a configuration by name then you might want to be defensive and raise an exception if >=2 configs have the same name, rather than just using the first match you find. Good luck!
4 other answers
'dcterms=https://ServerName/dc/terms/' should be
Hi Jim,
Actually it should be
- dcterms=<>
Are you including a cookie store with your connection so that the authentication tokens are included in subsequent requests? Here's some sample code that gives some hints...
Yes the baseURL I'm using is taken from the services.xml document. And I'm following this process for the authentication, but the cookies are kept in the requests session. Previously I was passing them as a parameter each time, but it was recommended that I use a single session instead. However I'm fairly certain this is working as I'm able to successfully access the folders which are a protected resource.
dcterms:identifier is of type xsd:string in the OSLC specification, and the OSLC query specification says strings have to be quoted in order to distinguish them from booleans, and numbers. So quoting the dcterms:identifier="330" should work and does for me. It also works without the quotes, but that is not following the OSLC standard.
Hmm, I can only get the double-quoted version to work if I explicitly specify a typed literal dcterms:identifier="3949"^^xsd:string
Ah seems like the 7.0.1 you're using doesn't need the ^^xsd:string to figure out that "3949" is a string ;-) My does. Or for both, dcterms:identifier=3949 (i.e. without quotes) works just fine.
Ian Barnard