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Execute RTC Query - With Runtime values

We have challenging problem to resolve at IBM RTC using REST API. Following things are required
1. Execute an pre-defined query at RTC through REST API
2. How to manipulate the criteria of RTC Query and change the values externally through REST api and then Execute.
Say for Example:
A Pre-defined query at RTC has been saved by the name "Top Priority" the criteria is "Priority='HIGH'". Now how can we execute the same Query from externally using REST API and change the value of "Priority" to "Low" and execute it to get the low priority Items.
Accepted answer

Don't know the answer about modifying an RTC stored query. You could try through OSLC query where you could specify the condition (differently) every time you executed the query, i.e. it's a different route than through stored RTC query.

Thanks Ian, could you share some links where I can get some details.

Hi Joydeep
You might also look at the RTC Reportable REST API https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ReportsRESTAPI which is probably simpler than OSLC query and if it doees what you need then that's a win, maybe.
The OSLC Query specification is here: https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/query/v3.0/psd01/oslc-query.html
I can't answer for exactly how much of these is supported by RTC but it is basically supported.
To use it you'll need an app to navigate the maze of XML-RDF - there are some hints about using it (from a DNG perspective, but similar principles apply for any OSLC Query application) here https://jazz.net/library/article/1197