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Export of Test scripts and Test Case Results to PDF fails at 100% complete and no PDF is generated

Unknown User (19136) | asked Oct 29 '20, 1:14 a.m.

 PDF export from RQM fails at 100% complete for RQM artifacts such as test case result or test scripts. For one Test script we tried "Validating content" for each step. even after doing it, export was not successful. Please look in to this issue. Attaching the QM logs as well. Please let us know if you need any other information.

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Monika Rajput (25612) | answered Oct 29 '20, 12:07 p.m.

Hi Venkat,

I couldn't fine the logs and it is very difficult to know what have gone wrong with the PDF generation.
Please work with support. You can raise a request here


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