Unable to reload the folders that are out of sync
I'm trying to use the same workspace on two computers. When sandboxes get out of sync the RTC shows "Some of your folders are out of sync. We recommend you reload the folders". Clicking on 'reload folders' bring up a dialog box with two entries 1. "workspace_name", 2. "component_name". Any combination of checkboxes results in the same error message once I click 'finish'. The error message is: "Failed to load due to 2 invalid requests": 1. Failed to load into C:/Sandboxes/component_name, 2. Failed to load into C:/Sandboxes/workspace_name.
Accepted answer
According to the linked article this is a perfectly normal and expected situation, quoting "A less common case is when you have the same repository workspace loaded in multiple sandboxes and you perform actions that modify the configuration of the repository workspace via one of the sandboxes (the other sandboxes will become out of sync)." RTC just doesn't handle it correctly in my case.
There are many reasons why Ralph's answer is the only correct answer. Note that it is reasonable to ask "I have this problem when I'm using multiple workspaces ... can you provide guidance".
Thank you for the guidance. In terms of how this happens: we use Visual Studio RTC plugin. I use 2 computers for development. Once I'm in VS and look at my repository workspaces I see all my workspaces and their local load status. There's no way to know that a workspace was loaded on another computer. When I load locally it shows no error or warning that a workspace is already loaded somewhere else. We use RTC v. 6.0.3. I will try to suffix workspace names with its target computer to help me out not to load a workspace on multiple machines.