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Module Explorer widget stopped working in Firefox

John-Paul Coetzee (1314) | asked Jul 06 '20, 6:37 a.m.
edited Jul 06 '20, 6:38 a.m.

Until this morning Module Explorer was working fine, now it will not load and is stuck on the config menu ("Only Show Headings", "Turn Off Wrapping" etc). For other engineers the widget is working just fine.

I have tried:

  • refreshing the widget and the project
  • moving the widget from right to left
  • removing and reinstalling the widget
  • logging out and back into DOORS
  • deleting all Firefox cookies
  • starting Firefox in safe mode (no add-ons)
  • logging off the PC
  • shutting down and rebooting the PC
Is the widget a Javascript object and is there anyway of debugging this to see why it won't work?

System: Windows 10 Professional, DOORs NG, Firefox 78.0.1

many thanks

One answer

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John-Paul Coetzee (1314) | answered Jul 06 '20, 12:42 p.m.
Fixed it myself.

I turned on Firefox Developer Tools and selected the Web Console output tab. When I refreshed the Module Explorer widget I noticed the Console message "Strict-Transport-Security: The connection to the site is untrustworthy, so the specified header was ignored. Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://doors:9443/extensions/module_explorer/js/mod-exp.js”.

I clicked directly on that link and was presented with the Firefox screen "Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead". I clicked "Advanced > Accept the risk and continue" to add a security exception. The Module Explorer now works.

There was no way to detect this without using Firefox's Developer Tools, there are no clues from DOORs NG.

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