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Can I group attributes in a single view of a DNG module?

Ravi Gollapudi (37121) | asked Jun 30 '20, 9:32 a.m.
I am developing templates for some artifact types in DNG and came across a couple of artifact types with many attributes in the same module.  I have couple of questions in this scenario.

1. Is there a way to form groups of attributes for improved usability, so that I can collapse some groups when editing a particular type of artifact ?

2. When I select a value of an attribute of an artifact, is there a way to hide or grey out other attributes based on the selected value ?


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Carol Watson (71017) | answered Jun 30 '20, 9:41 a.m.

 Hi Ravi,

We use quite a few Artifact types in some Modules, all of which have a different set of Attributes, so I think I'm following your question. The only way I've found is to create a separate View that shows only the attributes for that particular Artifact Type. Not ideal, but when entering a volume of artifacts it can make it a bit faster. It only is helpful though if you're doing a chunk of artifacts of a particular type all at the same time.


Ravi Gollapudi commented Jun 30 '20, 9:48 a.m.
Hi Carol,
You are correct. I also feel views are more useful from a specific purpose like Systems Review, Status, etc where you apply filters and do the attributes.
I will update this question if there is a solution.
Best regards,

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